Thursday 12 July 2007

Singaporeans - high on life?

They have to be. They can’t walk straight. Haven’t you noticed that? They love to walk in a zigzag manner at the malls, on the street and just about everywhere. I can’t find any good reason for it except that perhaps they are intoxicated. Well, they can’t be intoxicated with alcohol – it happens even in the bloody morning. Come on, we are an Asian society, still largely with Asian practices (and so called values) so – no drinking before sundown mostly. How boring, you think? It’s bad enough that they can’t walk straight intoxicated on life, with alcohol, disaster! It can’t be drugs, come on people, repeat after me “Singapore does not have drugs.” Very good. What about those people who shuffle ever so s l o w l y? They must be out on a stroll, smelling the roses, noses high up in the air that they can’t see these lowly subjects who are trying their best to go past them and so to move on with their zigzag prowl.

I wonder, with Singapore who prides itself on efficiency and being number ones in a few things, why do the Singaporeans walk the way they do. I think the pace of most countries usually affect the way their citizens walk. In Singapore’s case…hmm…what do I conclude ….

Petal P. Rose

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