Wednesday 11 July 2007

S L A M!!!!!!

Okay folks, a double posting for today. This slam was done via sms when I was at my most stressed (read: creative) earlier in the year. Quite a number of my friends were alarmed at the tune of the poems, most thinking that I was going to commit suicide and called to ask after me. I thank you for your concern. and for the one who got into trouble with wifey - I sincerely apologise again. There were 3 poems and they were sent at different times of the day. One sometime in the early afternoon, one about tea time and the last, close to dinner. Here are the responses I got and my replies to them:

Petal (1st poem to all):
Madness reigns my day
chaos, my mind
peaceful not my sleep
I long a good night

Nights black and dark
sleep on my lover's side I seek

My shoes are white,
don't like cocacola,
give me chocolate

Recalcitrents rule my day,
Pipiet by night
indolence my current desire
my past haunts my case

Petal to SN:
Whisper, dear beloved maid,
your hearts' desire
whose yearning wait

Soft as velvet, slow as breeze
this night leaves me yearning,
that darky one.

Petal (2nd poem to all):
Night becomes day
day rules the night.
dawn brings bad memories
flight of night

This heart full of sorrow
desires only to comfort you
reverse that dreadful state
what ails you?

tomato, give me your plump
there is a bill without paying,
I want spirit.

Petal to ChasB:
Sorry, why, my beloved friend?
what ails me is to no end
life is such I have no holds
pray, oh tell, what sorrow you hold.

Petal (3rd poem to all)
Worry not my beloved ones
What ails me will have no end
such is life I cannot bear,
the sorrow, oh pain, we run not far.

bride, speak, tomato, potato,
boss, rose, mini, banili

Flowers coloured my screen
within the screen lie my secret
secret, holding wilting petals of your past.

Petal to N:
The past may wilt
regret not I.
The flowers colour our very lives
leaf no secrets, no petals belie

N to Petal:
Closed eyes wept roses
closed heart spat freedom
closed door barfed love
I went on painting my rainbow

Petal P. Rose

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