Wednesday 19 September 2007

Raising a stink

I failed to get a seat – again,
too many people on the train.
We're stuck in a tunnel;
everybody's sighing;
we're not moving.
I breathe in –
'Let me know your peace and grace.
'I breathe out –
'And help me share it with the people here.'
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
For the sake of my sanity.
For the sake of your kingdom.

- Author Unknown

And so I stepped onto the train. As usual, it was crowded. I stood at my usual spot, at the centre of where one carriage connects to the other, just by that door that will lead me out with no trouble, where the other door of another train awaits me as I switched trains, every mundane morning of my working life. I was plugged into my Creative MP3 player (though, I need an IPod...) whilst trying to also look like an intelligent monkey with the thick novel in my right hand. I flipped to the page that was dog-eared. Blissfully unaware of my surrounding, I leapt into the pretend world (for me, unfortunately not for others) of violence, corruption, sex and drama - exactly how a book set in India should be....but was rudely awakened by the stink that was so violently thrusted into my brain, jarring it out of it's semi-fantasy mode. "W-T-F!", I cursed, almost silently but not silent enough for those packed in tightly with me. I looked around for the possible criminal. Everyone looked like "oh, nothing is bothering sure smells nice in here..wonder where I can buy that scent!" whilst I was almost gagging and reaching for the oxygen mask I wished I had.

What is it with these people?! Do they not know the existence of things such as deodorants, parfums, body spray, etc etc? How about toothbrushes and toothpastes? Come on, we are in Singapore - we can afford to take a shower in the morning before heading out the door, can't we? Does personal hygiene exist for these people? What was that? You need to look it up?, folks! I have been on trains where apart from the bedroom smell, there's also the smell of ammonia, amongst other things....It's also quite amusing to note the expressions of other commuters when someone lands a stink bomb. Most of them pretend that nothing is wrong and me? If alone, I make faces and exaggerated gestures of disgust....if in company, "Whooooaaaa...Who the fuck did that!" accompanied by more exaggerated gestures of disgust. I know we are "living" in a tight space whilst commuting to our final destinations, but please, spare a thought for others.

Perhaps one of the lessons to be taught by the Government when they do the campaign for a gracious society is this - personal hygiene. I can see the big banners "Personal Hygiene - Towards a More Gracious Society". Watsons or Guardian Pharmacy can jump on the bandwagon and provide free samples. P&G can give away their oh-so-cool new Gillette razors, OralB, hey hey, toothpastes, toothbrushes, floss....The different medical and dental clinics can take part and educate the public of the health risks of not keeping good personal hygiene, we can have demonstrations and roadshows...'Strip' and 'Browhaus' will provide free waxing services...another area would have an Ayuverdic clinic set up to clean from the inside out....The cosmetic companies can come in and promote their new perfumes....So much potential!!

Funny that being gracious has to be taught by a body rather than at home. Shame shame...

Petal P. Rose

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