Friday 10 August 2007

Double posting from me tonight. Woohooo....I just needed to keep some things on record. This entry may not make sense to most of you but this blog is to serve my purpose, not yours anyway. If it were for your purpose, then I should be paid. B-) I wish it was possible for me to keep every memory "alive" and recorded - this is but a poor snippet....but nonetheless, still valuable so that I can look back and think "What drug was I on when I wrote that entry?!"
materialistic party animal
enjoys drinking and dancing
street fight over a car accident
24 hours imprisonment
mountains natural surroundings
change 26 butterfly
in pursuit of happiness
loves ice-cream chocolate
within but surroundings affect that
searching still
calm introspective passionate
in touch but not too much in control
gecko agile
letting nature chart its course
in love maybe
with whom
yet to determine
pitter patter
midnight cries
still together? was ever together?
discussions solutions
question marks
no answers yet

Petal P. Rose

1 comment:

Dishoom said...

soozee bee, ure a wordsmith extraordinaire!